
You may directly edit main.cpp and use these examples.

k-medoids clustering

Example code using k-mediods for clustering:

#include <dtwc.hpp>

#include <filesystem>  // for operator/, path
#include <iostream>    // for operator<<, ostream, basic_ostream, cout
#include <string>      // for allocator, string, char_traits

int main()
  dtwc::Clock clk; // Create a clock object
  std::string probName = "DTW_kMeans_results";

  auto Nc = 3; // Number of clusters

  dtwc::DataLoader dl{ dtwc::settings::dataPath / "dummy" };
  dl.startColumn(1).startRow(1); // Since dummy files are in Pandas format skip first row/column.

  dtwc::Problem prob{ probName, dl }; // Create a problem.
  prob.maxIter = 100;

  prob.set_numberOfClusters(Nc); // Nc = number of clusters.
  prob.N_repetition = 5;


  prob.printClusters(); // Prints to screen.
  prob.writeClusters(); // Prints to file.

  std::cout << "Finished all tasks " << clk << "\n";

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

MIP clustering

Example code using multiple MIP for clustering:

#include <dtwc.hpp>

#include <filesystem> // for operator/, path
#include <iostream>   // for operator<<, ostream, basic_ostream, cout
#include <string>     // for allocator, string, char_traits

int main()
  dtwc::Clock clk; // Create a clock object

  int Ndata_max = 100;         // Load 100 data maximum.
  auto Nc = dtwc::Range(3, 6); // Clustering for Nc = 3,4,5. Range function like Python so 6 is not included.

  dtwc::DataLoader dl{ dtwc::settings::dataPath / "dummy", Ndata_max };
  dl.startColumn(1).startRow(1); // Since dummy files are in Pandas format skip first row/column.

  dtwc::Problem prob("DTW_MILP_results", dl); // Create a problem.

  std::cout << "Data loading finished at " << clk << "\n";

  // prob.readDistanceMatrix("../matlab/DTWdist_band_all.csv"); // Comment out if recalculating the matrix.
  std::cout << "Finished calculating distances " << clk << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Band used " << dtwc::settings::band << "\n\n\n";

  std::string reportName = "DTW_MILP_results";

  // Calculate for number of clusters Nc = 3,4,5;
  for (auto nc : Nc) {
    std::cout << "\n\nClustering by MIP for Number of clusters : " << nc << '\n';
    prob.set_numberOfClusters(nc); // Nc = number of clusters.
    prob.cluster_by_MIP();         // Uses MILP to do clustering.

  std::cout << "Finished all tasks " << clk << "\n";

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;